adding more todo lists
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Elise64
Maybe we can have an option to have more than one todo list kinda like playlists on YouTube app. So there would be a + button next to the filter button and you could add a todo list, and once you have more than one todo list whenever you go to your todos it’ll be like forums and you can click on the lists. And when you add a todo it would maybe be like YouTube and it would add to your latest todo list so when it does the notification at the top it will say change and then you could change the todo list if you needed to. Also, when you click on a todo list there could be a + button to add todos just to that list since it might be annoying to keep needing to change the playlist.
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Elise64
Hope that made sense lol 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Diana2509
That seems like a great idea! I think the common belief is that you only need one because it is just what you want to do next and the patterns you saved. But I do agree that that would be super useful for a lot of people. Great idea!