Using the color black in a pattern
4 years, 6 months ago by Guitar123
There was one pattern that I sumbited to the mods and one mod looked at it and said that the black was too dark. I resumbited and the same mod diclined it agian. Then for the third time I resubmited it saying that I have seen and made other patterns with black. I think that you should be allowed to use black and not get the pattern diclined. Before I submited the pattern for the first time I had it as a regular black and I tried to submit it but I couldn't because the black was too dark. I tried making it lighter and lighter and finally it let me submit it but then the mod diclined it becasue it was still to dark. It's really annoying to me that I had to keep on making it lighter and lighter and then it wasn't even black it was grey. But I want my pattern to have black. It's really bothering me because this has happened to me multiple times with different patterns. Does this happen to anyone else? Is this able to be changed so people can have black in their pattern?
4 years, 6 months ago by arf820
hi! the darkest color we accept is 333333. it is a very dark gray and it looks identical to black. the reason we don't accept really dark colors is that it makes it hard to see the individual pixels in the pattern preview. this is true especially for alphas because a lot of people knot from the pattern preview, not from the knot chart underneath. 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by Knots_EM
Black can be no darker than 333333, so it is able to show up on the grid. If you use 333333 it should get accepted
Bracelet King
4 years, 6 months ago by aashini
Choose a black which is lighter! I always do that and it helps!