Rating Patterns
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by CWillard
When rating patterns, I know that many people, when using either the app or the website, accidentally click on a rate different than what they wanted because the stars are very close to each other. I though it might be a good idea to try to find a way to fix this problem so fewer rating accidents occur. One way this might be able to be fixed is spacing the stars a little further apart from each other (though there are many other options as well).
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by mimzy00
I literally left you a comment not long ago CWillard, apologizing about rating your pattern incorrectly lol but I agree with you but another way would be to allow the rater to change their rating.
Bracelet King
10 years, 4 months ago by CWillard
Yeah I saw the apology and it's fine I totally understand I feel like most users have accidentally given a user a rating they weren't tryif to at one point or another. The only thing I'd worry about users being able to change their rating is if a user decided to change their rating to something lower for some weird reason