how do you create normal patterns
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by nandini-_r
hi! I dunno how to create normal patterns , [ i know how to make alpha patterns ] it is confusing. whenever i try i dunno how to desighn it or whatever. and yaa.
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Marieke123
I'm not sure if that is helpful for you, but I have the same problem. Therefore I create them on, because you can see your pattern directly and you can change the knots in it only by clicking 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by Aracne
@nandini-_r @Marieke123 there is actually a big difference between creating an alpha pattern and a normal pattern. The alpha pattern refers to the colors and the consequent order that you give them. In normal patterns what dominates is the order of the letters for example abccba and each letter you are going to give a color. then the direction of the arrows to make the pattern are also of primary importance f b fb bf are the arrows that determine the direction that the knots will take to create your pattern. At the conclusion of your pattern, the order of the letters should be the same as you started with. I suggest you start by making a small pattern, like the example I just gave you abccba so that you realize what I am explaining to you. I hope my explanation clarifies your doubts.
A cordial greeting and hoping you understand a little ❤️
4 years, 7 months ago by madeleine_
There’s a good tutorial on it in the tutorials section
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by nandini-_r
thanks everyone 😄 😄