OMG please help!!!
4 years, 5 months ago by lilackat
I have just done my first ever alpha bracelet ( see avatar). I asked my daughter to measure her little 3 year old’s wrist. I have spent all day finishing it to take next weekend & thought it looked really small. I queried it with my daughter & she said “ oh sorry I got it wrong” the size is a good 2.5 cms too small. Is there anything I can do to save it? Is it possible to extend the base strings? I don’t have the thread or the time to redo it 😩
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by chkntaters
If the ties aren't long enough to wrap around her wrist I would suggest adding some sort of clasp to it. I would tie some really secure knots at the base of the ties, then cut off the extra and attach some chain and a clasp to the end. That way it would also be adjustable. You can also attach crimp ends with chain and a clasp of some sort.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by chkntaters
Your bracelet is beautiful by the way! Very nicely done
4 years, 5 months ago by lilackat
Thank you @chkntaters I was hoping though that I might be able to add on to it & just add another Minnie. I really wanted it to be a casual bracelet that just ties.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by aa7648
You could possibly extend the ties, by unbraiding them on either end, and adding new longer string and to secure it in place just do another light pink row (sorry if this doesn’t make sense, but use the method for replacing strings, just for all of them) then it will still be a cute simple tie on bracelet, just with longer ties so it fits. It looks really great though! Seriously, amazing job 😊👏
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by chkntaters
Yeah I understand. You could try adding another Minnie and replacing your base strings with a longer piece as you're knotting. You'd have to switch them out sporadically throughout your rows though just so that they don't all cut off in one place. Just tape down a new base string behind your bracelet, then make your knots on the new string instead of the old one and cut off the old one once you've done a couple rows on the new one. I don't have any alpha experience so I'm not sure how well this would work, but it's worth a try. There might be videos on youtube about adding new base strings, I'd recommend looking some up.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by bluemoona
do the alpha to the end of the base strings and use crimp ends.
4 years, 5 months ago by peanutse
You can make the string longer all you do is cut a long peace of string and tie it on to whatever row you are planning on doing and continue it may look a little wonky but it will work 🙂
4 years, 5 months ago by Guitar123
I'm not sure if anyone said this yet but maybe you could make it adjustable. If you want to do that I would recomend checking out Masha Knots video on youtube.
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by emwhitt
Do the ties fit around the wrist? As long as the ties fit, I wouldn't worry about making the bracelet any longer, since the bracelet will most likelt stretch out over time if it gets worn a lot. There is a way to replace base strings, but it doesn't always turn out super neat (in my experience). To do this you have to move all of the current base strings to the back, and place new strings down i their spot. It's more commonly used if a base string snaps while creating a bracelet, I'm sure you can find a youtube video on it!The bracelet does look super cute though! I love it! ❤️ |
Bracelet King
4 years, 5 months ago by SusuKnots
@lilackat the bracelet is very nice! However for me I never make bracelets that take a long time if I am going to give it to somebody under the age of around 6 because otherwise they will lose it or cut it off...If I am making one for a young child I would make something really simple and fast they would like it either way. |