levels? mods? what?
4 years, 7 months ago by elenalas
Could someone explain to me the level system and how you gain points or what it takes to move up or be a mod or whatever else there is?
4 years, 7 months ago by Bar012208
hey! there rly isn’t a way to move up quickly. the whole idea of the site is to contribute something to the community. to move up u could create a pattern, post a pic, or just be active on the forum or chat. the moderators were ppl taht were contributing a lot so they got picked. they review forums, patterns, pics, and videos to keep the site appropriate and meaningful
4 years, 7 months ago by elenalas
thank you!
4 years, 7 months ago by madeleine_
The ranks are (in order) beginner, advanced, skiller, professional, bracelet king. You increase your rank by being active on the site. That includes creating patterns, adding variations, posting pictures and videos, rating patterns, adding friends, commenting on the forum or chat, commenting on patterns, and adding patterns to your todos or loves. Moderators are handpicked by the admin when he wants to expand the team. He chooses people who contribute to the community in a significant way. That usually means posting helpful YouTube videos, but it could also mean creating lots of patterns or something else like that
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by madison737
You basically have to be active on BraceletBook and help out other people on the site!