Where to begin?
4 years, 7 months ago by Celdily
I want to make a patter, but when choosing the arrows, string count, and color, I can't find a video anywhere on how to do this. All I can come up with is diagonal lines all over the place. How do I find the arrow format to make pictures and words and patterns? When I try the f's and b's and fb's and bf's with the commons between them I can't figure out how to place them to make pictures other than lines.
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by poplianna
It’s all trial and error for the most part but if you know you need this color there then that’s the knot you have to do
4 years, 7 months ago by arf820
first of all, are you creating a normal or an alpha pattern? with normal patterns, you have to type in all the knots yourself, but with alphas you can generate alphas from images, text, or you can even draw your own alpha. since i'm actually more experienced with generating normal patterns than alphas, i'll give you some tips on normal patterns. first, learn how to generate simple patterns, such as a a candystripe, chevron, or diamond. you can then modify it to create your own pattern. candystripe would be rows of forward knots or rows of backward knots; chevron would be half forward and half backward; diamond you would basically do a reverse chevron from the middle to edge and then a regular chevron from the edge back to the middle. once you do that, you can create your own style, and that will help you immensely when coming up with new designs. finally, experiment. a lot of pattern generating comes from trial and error and don't be discouraged if it doesn't turn out well the first few times. i hope that helps! 🙂
4 years, 7 months ago by halokiwi
In the tutorial section there's a tutorial on how to design patterns using graph paper. If you can do this you can just write the pattern into the pattern generator after you created it on paper.

I've also recently watched this video which might help you understand the process of making patterns better https://youtu.be/5Z-POel3rUA
4 years, 7 months ago by Celdily
Thank you all so much!