My bracelets are leaning to one side
4 years, 8 months ago by LocoEva
So, when I make bracelets, I usually start on the left side, (IDK why) and then my bracelets are leaning to that side. Do you guys think this is based on the side I start on, or is there a technique I should know? Thanks for responding (if you do). ❤️
4 years, 8 months ago by LocoEva
What I meant by start, is that I segment knot and make a lot of chevrons. So I split it in half. ❤️
4 years, 8 months ago by lilhamster
your knot tightness might be why you're having this issue if your knots are tighter on one side the side you're more comfortable with ( that personally happened when I was beginning my comfortable side was tighter and leaning ) I believe with time and practice you're bracelets should even out or you could use the straight edge technique a video explaining is on masha knots challenge 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by stacey_135
Some patterns such as a candy stripe will mean to the side because of the structure of the pattern (it’s all forwards knots) so patterns that are ´Balances’ or somewhat symmetrical such as a chevron or #31967 would normally be straight. It could be that the knots are tighter on one side and looser on the other so I would try making the first half of each knot the same tightness. Or it could be the way the bracelet secured. If you just have it clipped onto a notebook or something it might lean when your making it as it’s not secured through the whole bracelet so what I do is clip it to a notebook using a bulldog clip and as it gets longer I add tape just so it dosent move as much
4 years, 8 months ago by LocoEva
Thanks @lilhamster and @stacy_123 ! I will try evening out my strings and think about my securement. ❤️
4 years, 8 months ago by Alicia5702
@LocaEva Try using the straight edges technique if you want your bracelets to be straight! This works by adding two additional string to the outside of the bracelet (these strings will never be seen so it doenst matter on the colour but the colour can peek though so choose one that is the same as the background or just black or white) and every time you get a string to the outside of the bracket you do a forward backward knot onto the extra outside string you added, for the left side you will do backward forward knots onto the additional string and on the right side you will do forward backwards knots! MashaKnots has a video on this which probably makes more sense 🙂
4 years, 8 months ago by LocoEva
@Alicia5702 thanks! I'll try it on my next bracelet! ❤️
4 years, 8 months ago by jordyknots
Your knot tightness could cause it so make sure that you are pulling the strings with the same amount of tension