"Perfect" Teardrop Loop
4 years, 8 months ago by phatcat
How do I make a good teardrop loop? Whenever I make a loop the fb/bf part always ends up too long or too short. If anyone has any tips on how to measure a good amount for the loop part please share. Thank you!
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by bellar017
Check your length a couple times when you think it’s long enough and if it’s not keep going and check again
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by ursula3
what I usually visualize is making it in thirds. You make one side with one third, the other side with another third, and the third one is putting your strings in the correct order. Hope that helps/makes sense!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by srhamy28
there is no way to specifically determine how long to make your loop. you just have to eyeball it. what I do to make it easier is compare it to another bracelet. for example, if I was making a loop for a 20 string bracelet, I would compare it another 20 string bracelet that I have already made. you can bend the loop into shape then compare it to the thickness of another bracelet, preferrably of the same width. if you don't have that big of a bracelet collection, you can also compare to slightly smaller or larger bracelets. for example, if all I had was an 18 string bracelet and I was making a loop for a 20 string bracelet, I would just make the loop about the size needed for the width of the 18 string bracelet, but add one or two more knots. once you figure out the loop size, you can compare to that when making future loops. really, it just takes practice knowing how to eyeball how big or small to make a loop, so just work at it. hope this helps.