Alpha Confusion
4 years, 8 months ago by speckledfi
So I have questions related reading an alpha pattern and the adding of colors.

1.) When there's a gap in the pattern, for example in pattern 26251 where there's gaps between the flowers
2.) (I'll just keep using the mentioned pattern above as an example) So you know how the base string goes under the arrows in the pattern horizontally What does it mean when that changes? What do I do?

And for the bracelet-making-related question:

When doing the flat alpha technique, what do you do for multiple color switches? Is it always the new color and the base color doing switches or will new colors and other new colors do switches? and the base strings, what does that mean and will it affect my bracelet?
4 years, 8 months ago by emordnilap
I am not sure about flat alphas, but my best advice is to watch mashaknots tutorial once and then a second time while trying the bracelets. Alphas take practice and it can be confusing at first if you are new at them. Ok I just kinda forgot the main question as I am half asleep right now. Someone can answer more better than me.