Ranks, profiles and uploading pictures. Am I doing something wrong?
4 years, 9 months ago by ellieknits
Hi! I just got into bracelet making last week and I'm glad that there's a good place like this to talk to others!
I have a question or two and I've tried looking in the faqs etc and not got a solid answer? Maybe I didn't look hard enough idk.
What's with ranks, and is there a solid way of me knowing what the ranks are and what permissions(?) they give? Is this why some people have written bios and profile pics? I can't seem to find a settings or profile page but maybe I'm just being blind? Also is that why I can't see the photos I tried to upload?
Sorry if this is a bit hectic or if I'm repeating other stuff, sometimes the forum question titles I've seen aren't too explanatory and the faqs are kinda lacking for me :/
Thanks tho for letting me join ur community, I look forward to spending more time here 😄
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by chloe_27
Welcome! So, ranks are like beginner, advanced, skiller, professional, and bracelet king. These just show how active you are for example, being on chats, adding variations, posting pis, replying to forums, etc. Any rank you have, you can upload you bio and add a profile pic anytime. What do you mean you cant see photos you upload?
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by GOODVIBE
after uploading a photo it has to be accepted by a moderator : )
it takes up to 24hrs usually no more for it to be accepted
once you rank up to advanced you will be able to friend people
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by amazingme
Basically the higher your rank, the more privileges you have, like adding more friends or more messages. You can add a bio, just press your profile, go to the side, and press edit bio.

And welcome to braceletbook!
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by ks_wizard
on the website if you tap twice on your name it should take you to your profile page. in the upper right hand corner, there are options to change your profile pic, write you bio and change your password. by the way, welcome to braceletbook! 😉
4 years, 9 months ago by ellieknits
😄 Thank you all so much for your help! I've found my bio now 🙈
I must have missed the 24h mod thing on the faqs, that makes so much sense tho! It's a good system.
And as the ranking goes its just to show how much people interact with the community, Awesome!
Thanks a bunch for the help and the welcomes, I can't wait to dig in more! Hope to see you guys around 😉