Alpha tips
4 years, 9 months ago by Elfdaughte
Hi everyone, thought it might be nice to share some strategies I've come up with for alphas. I struggled with them for a while, but these couple of points might help others with the same issues I was having.Problem 1: elongated alphas/stretched patterns. I was having this issue for AGES. Didn't matter what pattern I was doing, how tight my knots were, my pattern was always stretching because the knots were too big. Solution - change the base sting. I was using crochet cotton that looked about the same dimension as my embroidery floss. I switched to a smaller diameter crochet cotton - problem solved. Problem 2 - losing track of which base string is next / missing strings out. This one was actually kind of simple to fix, and makes for nicer looking ends too - I alternate colours of base strings. Using two colours in my base strings means I know I'm always working on green then white, for example, so I don't mix up my strings and miss one out. Any other tips that you've come across while working on alphas? |
4 years, 9 months ago by amaze
Last triangle end warps! Solution;Tie your knots SUPER tight. Make sure the first part of your knots is tight bc if it isnt the whole knot just falls apart. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by allierae54
Go slow to make sure that all of your knots are the exact same size
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by xojenz
same here! my first alpha came out really good bc of the flat alpha technique, everyone tells you to make thee first knot super tight but I figured out that doesn't work for me, I pull it just enough tp where it doest clump up, and I also tape the bracelet down whenever I finish a few rows
4 years, 9 months ago by amaze
Start off with only a few color changes and 10-12 strings.