How to do alphas with different color base strings
4 years, 9 months ago by ajbunicorn
Any body know how to make an alpha pattern with different colored base strings? thanks!
4 years, 9 months ago by ginehring
Since you don’t use the base strings to knot the actual bracelet you can make them whatever color you want and it will look the same! The only differences will be the ties and triangle ends if you choose to do them. If you need clarification for how to make alphas, I would recommend searching “Masha Knots alpha” on YouTube and watching her more recent video on it (the “flat alpha” one)
4 years, 9 months ago by ajbunicorn
@ginehring Thanks!
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by stacey_135
you do not use the base strings in the bracelet so when you cut them you can use any thickness of string aslong as all the base strings are one thickness. the leading strings can be a different thikness to the base strings aslong as they r one thikness. mahsa knots has two tutorials on alphas, one uses the straight edges and flat technique