How to make Alphas
4 years, 9 months ago by AbiPod
Hi guys! I’m new here and am pretty confused about making alphas. 😬 Do you all have any tips? Tysm!!!!
4 years, 9 months ago by knottahti
although i am not great at explaining it, i recommend checking out videos by Masha Knots on youtube, or by her braceletbook accound @Racoon
4 years, 9 months ago by AbiPod
Thanks! I’ll check it out!
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by mmalone
masha knots has a good video on youtube. i also would watch it, and then make a small candy stripe (like 3/4 colors) but make it like you’re making an alpha. so you have your bass strings and leading strings, and practice tying your strings in. basically the way you make alphas is you have a bunch of base strings. they are never seen and the are the strings you make your knots on. then you have your leading string. that is the color that is shown. so, if i’m making a alpha with a cat on it, i would take my base strings, (say my leading color is yellow and im making my cat black) and i make some rows of yellow and then on the pattern, it shows you where your first color change is. i change my yellow to black, do however many knots the pattern says and then switch back to my yellow. alphas are made by going back and forth with different colors so you cannot segment knot them you can only row knot them. you do color changes by putting your leading string to the side and taking your new leading string and doing half of a knot (so one knot) onto the next base string. then you take the first leading string and put it in between the base string and new leading string. then you do your second knot. then you just keep going until the pattern says to change back. then you just repeat the process. if you give me a pattern number i can be a little bit more specific with my description. i hope this was helpful 🙂
4 years, 9 months ago by AbiPod
Thanks mmalone! That helps a ton!
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by awesomelgk
I made my first alpha a week or so ago (I loved it) but I was having trouble keeping my base strings in order. So what I did was I got a piece of cardboard, cut a slot for each base string, then taped it onto my clipboard. It helped so much!!