why does my braclet always end up messy
3 days, 8 hours ago by evelynbill
I’ve tried so many times different designs, following youtube tutorials but my brackets always end up being loose and messysomeone help🙏😛 |
Bracelet King
3 days, 7 hours ago by cecibee87
Honestly it just takes practice. Try to be consistent when you tie your knots.
3 days, 5 hours ago by halokiwi
I would also say practice, practice, practiceThere are many things that going be going on Do you have any photos of bracelets you've tied? |
2 days, 19 hours ago by 22252628
Just practice
2 days, 10 hours ago by evelynbill
@halokiwi yes i have photos where can i send them?
Bracelet King
1 day, 21 hours ago by pulserasAG
you can upload the pictures in the pattern theres a button up right that saids "add a photo" and you can add it there but you need to wait until the mods review it! 😉in the site is like that i don't now how is in the app... ❤️ |
1 day, 21 hours ago by halokiwi
You could also set one of the photos as your profile picture, if you don't want to publish them.
8 hours ago by ab_crafts
Hello, @evelynbill ! I've gotten back into bracelet making in the last few months, so not an expert, by any means. I think you may be talking about knot tightness consistency. Some things that seem to help me is to be fully looking at the bracelet when I'm working. Music and audio books are good, watching TV, not so much. Then, I find a rhythm. I hold the base string straight, slide the knot up then, when it's in the right spot, tighten it ... then give it another little cinch, checking that it's a good size next to it's neighbors.Loop - slide - tighten - cinch Loop - slide - tighten - cinch The rhythm becomes relaxing to me. I should say I'm doing only regular bracelets, though. I'm not too sure how it works in alpha bracelets. Using a straight edge after each row to push the knots into alignment might help. *And, forward-backward and backward-forward knots tend to be less consistent for me. But I think getting into your own rhythm is the practice that helps. Happy knotting! |