is there a way to search patterns?
2 weeks, 3 days ago by juliaaa119
is there a way to search patterns if you can’t find the one you wanted?
2 weeks, 3 days ago by halokiwi
To search patterns, go to "patterns":

There you can use different filters:
- type: all, normal or alpha
- order by: latest, oldest, rating, loves, strings, colors, difficulty, photos or videos -> I would not recommend ordering by difficulty because only the older patterns have a difficulty rating
- strings from: 2 to 201-> normal pattens can have 3 to 64 strings, alphas can have 2 to 201 strings, the string amount in an alpha is the amount of leading strings plus 1
- colors from: 1 to 26
- difficulty from: 1 to 10 -> again I don't recommend using this filter as it does not cover all the pattens in the database
- added by user: -> you can enter the username of the designer there, if you know it
- pattern #: -> here you can enter the pattern number, if you know it. Each pattern in the database has a unique number.
- keywords: -> here you can enter what you are looking for. If you are looking for a pattern of a cat, you can enter "cat" as a keyword. You can enter multiple keywords to find patterns that have at least one of those keywords
- has photos: all, yes or no -> this can be useful when you are looking for a pattern that has been tied before or if you specifically want to tie one that hasn't been tied before
- has videos: all, yes or no -> if you don't know how to read patterns this can be useful because you can find pattens with tutorial videos

Once you set all the filters to the parameters of the pattern you are looking for, you click "apply filters"

If you have trouble finding the pattern, people on here love to help you. Just describe the pattern or link to a photo of it.