Any way to search the forums?
2 months, 2 weeks ago by mayfrogs
My experience in forums of the past has made me very familiar with the fact that posting a new topic on something that's already been talked about to death already is extremely annoying, so I'd like to avoid it. I'd also just generally like to be able to see if someone else has already made a topic on such casual things as "what kind of thread does everyone use" and "whats your favorite way to tie off your ends" and see the kinds of things people have already said about the topic, without having to start a new one.

But I'm having trouble finding any search function for the forum section. There's a FAQ, sure, but that's for questions, and sometimes I just want to search the casual discussions for topics I *know* must have been discussed a million times over here, but don't want to dig through hundreds of pages of threads to find.

So, is there any search function for the forum?
2 months, 2 weeks ago by halokiwi
There is. It is a bit tricky and does not work perfectly, but it can be useful.

I described it in my tutorial:

To find out, if something similar has already been posted on the forum, you can use these tricks:
- Use Google search and add before your search.
- Use control+f in the forum to find a specific word on the page you're on.
2 months, 2 weeks ago by mayfrogs
Oof, I was worried that might be the only way. I know about that search engine trick, and figured I could use that as a laat resort. It is very unreliable, but if there's really nothing else, then I guess I'll have to make do :/ ctrl+f i was already using, but since it only works on one page at a time, it's not really any less tedious than going through two or three hundred pages of threads manually.

Do you know if there are any plans to add a proper search function in the future?