Bracelet Length
3 months ago by batcavitie
Sorry if this has been answered already, but I'm curious if there's a way to determine what length of string you need for a bracelet. Are we all just kind of freeballing it or is there maybe a way to measure depending on the size of your wrist?
3 months ago by Awesomelo
It depends on what type of bracelet you want to make 🙂 - For something like a simple chevron (V-pattern) I do the length of one arm - For a more complex pattern, I usually do 2 times that, just to make sure that I have extra string. - If you are doing alpha patterns, Just make the base strings a little longer than how big you want the design to be, just so that you have extra thread to use to tie later. Honestly, it’s always better to have more string than less! |
Bracelet King
3 months ago by Arkengheis
String is expensive, so i don't want extra at the end, so i made a calculator : have to input the number of strings and rows, and then count the knots, so it takes a bit of time, but i find it worth it in the end. If i do a pattern that uses all strings the same amount (like chevron, arrowhead...), i do 82cm per string |
3 months ago by batcavitie
@Awesomelo @Arkengheis Awesome!! Thank you both so much, I'll keep these in mind with my next project and I'll definitely be trying out that calculator. (o^-')b !
3 months ago by halokiwi
You can also check out these tutorials |
2 months, 3 weeks ago by lxtina
I came here looking for the same answer. I can tell by the patterns that one color or another needs to be longer. And addingin actual bracelet length or whatnot. Figured there might be a way to calculate that. It would be nice if patterns had estimate included. So far i either end up with too much or not enough of another. I hate wasting string.
2 months, 3 weeks ago by kay_op
How do I know how much thread I need in the alpha patterns ?
2 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
@kay_op you could theoretically count all individual knots of a colour, but then you would also need to account for the loose strings in the back of an alpha.Most people just leave their thread for alphas on the skein and cut it in the end. |