7 months, 3 weeks ago by jnarzecz
Hey! I’m new here and I want to learn new patterns! I can make an inscription on the bracelet and even various pictures but I wanted to make a gift for birthday I chose a pattern but I do not know how to start the pattern this #12028 can someone help me?
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by KikiLilou
Hi! If you are new to making bracelets, it's probably easiest to start with a simple knot and then go row by row. If you want to learn some new techniques for starting a bracelet, I would suggest to look at some tutorials on youtube. There are a lot of good ones on how to start and end a bracelet 😄

For this bracelet specifically (because it has those diagonal lines), I would personally chose a diagonal start. So you would go along the pink thread (C). It's a little difficult to explain via text but there are good tutorials for it on YouTube (search "friendship bracelets diagonal start").

But in the end, any way you chose to start is fine! You're spending your own time creating something as a gift to someone else and I think that's beautiful and I hope the person you're giving it to will appreciate it no matter how it turns out ❤️
7 months, 3 weeks ago by jnarzecz
Thank you sooooo much!❤️
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by KikiLilou
You‘re welcome ❤️ Good luck and have fun 😄