make a loop and then start a chevron bracelet
4 years, 11 months ago by oppelte12
How do you make your chevron bracelet straight after making a loop?
4 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
There are different ways to start a bracelet after a loop

You can start right a way like you usually would. That works well for smaller bracelets. For bigger once you should add another start.

You can do triangle ends. You look at your pattern and pick a triangle out that's pointing upwards /\. You look at the order of the strings at the side of the triangle. On the left side you look which colour is the first and you do a forward knot onto all the other strings on the left with that string. Then you take the second string and make a knot on all the strings except the first one. You continue like this until you reached the bottom of your triangle. You do the same on the right side. After that you can start your bracelet.

You can also do a teardrop loop. For a teardrop loop you need to pick a downward facing triangle from the pattern \/. It's really similar to the technique before. You look what strings go through the left side of the triangle. You go from top to bottom again but this time you do b knots instead of f knots. On the right side it's the same but with f knots. Then you carefully do a knot between the two lowest strings of both sides and you can start.

My recommendation is to start with a teardrop loop and end with a triangle end. That way you follow the shape of the bracelet.

MashaKnots has really good videos on different kinds of loops and ends. The technique is the same no matter the pattern you're doing.
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by cooper10
Watch MashaKnots she has good videos!