4 years, 11 months ago by giraffe933
Hello! I'm quite new to bracelet making. I'd say I'm good at making all my knots tight enough and making a chevron look perfect and clean. I've started getting into more patterns than just simple basic chevrons, Chinese staircases, candy stripes, and whatnot. For my first "big" bracelet I decided to create a bracelet that says "MUSIC." I followed an easy tutorial explaining the basics of how to put letters on your bracelets. Upon making the background, everything was going smoothly. It looked clean and neat. My first letter wasn't perfect, but definitely exceptional for my first go. The second letter was worse than the first. I messed up a tad with making space in between my letters. While switching colors from my background to my letter color, it was quite difficult. Trying to make the S was extremely difficult for me. I looked up a grid online and that worked for the M and the U but for some reason, the S was extremely difficult. My overall question is if anyone has any tips or can somehow explain how to switch my colors and make the knots go where I want them to it'd be very helpful. I apologize if this is lengthy and if it doesn't make sense, but if somehow you can decipher this and help me out, it would be a great pleasure! 🙂 ❤️ -Abi, 13 y/o, newbie.
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by cheer_girl
Hi! I experienced this same problem with G. But you can look up "alpha friendship bracelet letters" on google and use the s in that grid. Also I watched Kinsey B's tutorial and that really helped if you watch what she does because she shows it really clearly. I hope any of this helps. Feel free to message me through BB if you need anything else. 👍 😘
4 years, 11 months ago by SeaWaves
This happened to me when I made those bracelets at first too. Try drawing your dimensions on graph paper (the amount of strings you have by how big you want the letter to be) and draw the letter. I saw this in a video by kinsey b and it helped me a lot. It helps with the letters going where you want them. Hopefully this helps 🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by queenjst
What pattern is it
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by TESTERBEN
So these are usually alpha bracelets. When I switch colors, I set the old color aside, and then tie half of a knot onto the next base string ( where the colour changes on an alpha pattern.) Then, I take my old string (previous color) and with my new string, I tie the other half of a knot with the old and base string inside. Hope that makes sense
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by TESTERBEN
That way, it secures the knot and makes it flat. My suggestion is when making the second half of a knot, make sure that your new color is above the strings instead of under. This way, the knot will face right side up.
4 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
Your letters need to be at least 5 knots high for all letters to be portrayed correctly. You can go to "create alpha pattern" and then you go to "write alpha". There you can determine how tall you want your letters to be. 5 or 7 is a good hight.