Alpha Knots Slanting ALOT!!!
10 months ago by -Pluto-
The title of this technically says it all but my alpha knots seem to slant so much warping the design and I have no idea how to fix it or lessen that appearance. Can someone give me some advice?
10 months ago by Hasti13900
Hello, use the smooth alpha technique and straight edgeTraining is provided by Halokivi😃 |
Bracelet King
10 months ago by onarts_
besides the two techniques the other person suggested you could also try to knot with less tension so make looser knots and push each row up with a ruler once you finish it
10 months ago by halokiwi
I don't think that the flat alpha or straight edges technique will help with this, because the issue seems to be the individual knots. Try experimenting with how tight you knot and at which angle you pull the leading string.
Bracelet King
10 months ago by RyanMarieS
I usually push up my knots with a ruler, or something with a straight side, after every couple of rows so that they all stay straight. I hope this helps 😊
10 months ago by -Pluto-
Thank you for all the suggestions I have been using the straight edge technique but I will try the other you suggested along with knot tension. Thank you all!!!!
Bracelet King
10 months ago by anne7
I don't know if this is ur issue but my bracelets/jeychains were also slanted until like 3 days ago. I was moving it up with a cipboard. I started to just tape it down and now it's straight.
Bracelet King
9 months, 4 weeks ago by Kayla517
I normally just push up with my finger nail and make tight but not too tight.