Flat braid Kumihimo with words
10 months, 2 weeks ago by hark
I'm brand new to friendship bracelets and new to knotting, too. I know it is possible to make some flat patterned bracelets using a flat Kumihimo disk, but is it possible to create any flat bracelets with words when using a flat Kumihimo disk? An example would be pattern #166117 - a Taylor Swift bracelet for Evermore if only 2 colors are used. Or are all word bracelets limited to being hand knotted?
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Str1ngz
@hark I've actually never heard of a Kumihimo disk before, so this is quite interesting. From what I can see on tutorials and images, the pattern looks quite similar to what are called 'normal' patterns on bracelet book. You may want to look and try some of those, but I am not sure if they will work. The pattern you chose, #166117 is called an 'alpha' pattern. these you can only knot by hand as far as I am aware. If you want to find a specific kind of pattern (alpha or normal), you can go to patterns, find the 'Type' tab, and then select either normal or alpha. I'm sorry I couldn't help more, but I will do more research on the Kumihimo disk you mentioned!
10 months, 2 weeks ago by hark
@Str1ngz thank you for the info. I'm not sure it's possible either, but I will keep searching until I know for sure.
10 months, 2 weeks ago by hark
And @Str1ngz - just so you are aware, there are a couple kinds of Kumihimo bracelets. The round disk makes round braided bracelets while the square disk makes flat bracelets (similar to the styles here). Since nylon satin rattail cord can be used on a Kumihimo disc, that means the cords can be melted with a lighter to help fasten off an end rather than gluing (at least in some situations).
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Str1ngz
@hark yes, i've seen that when looking at them. I didn't know about the nylon though, that's pretty cool!
9 months, 3 weeks ago by hark
@Str1ngz I want to try the nylon satin rattail cord for the traditional knotted bracelets, too. It's pretty flexible but is made up of just 1 piece of cord. It comes in a variety of widths such as 1mm, 1.5mm, plus other diameters. The cost is definitely more than embroidery floss, but Amazon sellers have some variety packs of colors and/or even single spools.