What is a good length for normal pattern strings?
Bracelet King
1 year ago by RyanMarieS
I always kinda eyeball it but I want to know what yall do 😊
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Vivi_knotz
I think usually a meter would be enough but maybe to be safe do a little more than a meter
Also if you going to do a loop or a teardrop loop then do two meters per string and a little over two meters
For the string your making the loop for if that makes sense 😂
1 year ago by halokiwi
That depends on the pattern.

If a string makes lots of knots of its own colour, you need to make it longer.
If a string does not make lots of knots of its own colour, you need less of it.

I once made a formula to calculate it. I can try to explain it, if you are interested, but it's a little complicated.
Bracelet King
1 year ago by RyanMarieS
@halokiwi yes please! Thanks!!
Bracelet King
1 year ago by RyanMarieS
@Vivi_knotz TYSM
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Vivi_knotz
Yeah! Your welcome!!
1 year ago by FANGIRL88
i usually look at the pattern and figure out witch colors are used more or less. the colors that are used less i use less string and the colors that i use alot i use more.
1 year ago by halokiwi
My formula is 45cm + % of rows in which a string makes a knot of its own colour.

Basically I look at each individual string. I follow it from the beginning of the pattern until the end of the pattern. If the string is in a different position then, I follow it again from beginning until end until it is in the original position again.

Let's say a pattern has 16 rows. A string makes knots in 8 of the rows. That's 50% of the rows. The string would need to be 45+50=95 cm long.

You have to calculate that for each individual string. The formula works for a bracelet of 14cm length with 10cm long ties on each side.
Bracelet King
1 year ago by AlmaLlama
@halokiwi I'm gonna give it a try to this formula! But if I start a bracelet with a loop I will cut double of the length? So let's say as in your example, if a string needs to be 95 cm long and if I start with a loop my string will need to be 95x2=190 cm long, right?
Bracelet King
1 year ago by AlmaLlama
@halokiwi and sorry to bother you with more questions, but now I wanna make #164761 using your formula. For string C I need to cut 45+100% rows= 145 cm and x2 will be 290 cm?? Isn't that too much? 😅
1 year ago by halokiwi
@AlmaLlama each of the c strings makes knots in 37 of 40 rows, so not 100% but 92,5%. Apart from that your calculation seems correct. You need to double the length, if you do a loop.

You might need a little less for the strings that don't make knots in the loop. Maybe 20cm less per string that doesn't make knots in the loop. But that's just a quess.

Of the 45 cm that you add to the percentage, 20 cm are what you need for each string, even if you don't do any knots with it and 25cm are for the ties. So from those 25cm you can take a bit away depending, how long the ties should be and if you do a loop.
1 year ago by halokiwi
(Sometimes the c string makes a knot with another c string. Then that knot only counts for one of them.)
Bracelet King
1 year ago by AlmaLlama
@halokiwi ok tysm for explaining more in detail! I'm gonna cut my strings now, hope it will turn out good the length. Thank you!