how does braclet book know your rank?
1 year ago by evilwiz04
I noticed that I ranked to advanced and I just started on bracelet book and I've only made about seven bracelets (not easy ones tho) does it advance you based on your favorites and to-do's? I put the stuff that I'm making or going to make in my favorites and I put the stuff that I'm not really able to do yet in my to-dos. just wondering if what you put in your favorites determines your rank
Bracelet King
1 year ago by EggMan
The ranks advance automatically based on your activity on the site. The more active you are, the higher your rating will get. You can read more about it in the FAQ, if you want.
Bracelet King
1 year ago by gaily_gal
Braceletbook determines your rank based on how active you are on the site, not just by adding loves and to-dos. the more you are online, the faster you will rank, but it's harder to rank up the higher the rank you are 😉