How long to cut my base strings when doing an alpha pattern?
1 year ago by yellow11
How long do I cut my base string for my alpha wall hanging or keychain. It’s pattern 126751
Bracelet King
1 year ago by mishka0129
Generally I cut my alpha base strings at about 20 inches long (40 inches if I'm doing a loop or doubling them over on a key ring).
Bracelet King
1 year ago by emilyyy307
I just eyeball it and you can always add new base strings but generally I make mine about 5 inches but it really does depend on the length of the pattern
1 year ago by halokiwi
If you have made an alpha before, you can figure out how long a certain amount of rows will be by measuring that alpha and using it to calculate. The base strings always need to be the length of the alpha plus some extra for loops, ties etc The pattern you want to do has 84 rows and 38 base strings, which might be a little big for a keychain, so I definitelyrecommend doing it as a wallhanging. As a wallhanging I recommend tying it with 84 base strings and 38 rows. In this case the base strings would need to be a lot shorter compared to, if you did 84 rows. Generally I would not recommend this pattern for a beginner due to its size. |