how tight should I tighten my knots in my bracelets
5 years ago by kbelasso
I’m still a beginner at making bracelets and was wondering how tight should the knots of my bracelets be. Can you give me some tips and tricks ?
Bracelet King
5 years ago by el526320
I find that it really depends on the string you use. You have to work out which tightness works best for you. I find that thicker strings, you have to tighten harder and with thin strings not so much. 😄
5 years ago by halokiwi
You'll learn with experience how tight your knots need to be.Everyone knots differently. Some knot looser, some knot tighter. Both ways are completely alright. Dont knot too loose because it will lead to visible holes in your bracelet. Don't knot too tight either because if you're pulling too hard the strings might snap. My advice: ▶ Tie tight enough so there aren't holes ▶ The first half of your knot determines its tightness. Try to make it as close to the previous row as possible. The second half of the knot only secures it in place. There's no need to pull the second half super tight. |
5 years ago by NatPanda
It should be pretty tight, but I’ve also had string snap before from pulling it too tight, so just be careful
Bracelet King
5 years ago by sillpickle
natpanda - I've had the same problem!! mainly when using cotton based threads or the cheaper sets you'd get when younger lol. ❤️
Bracelet King
5 years ago by vennix
You will have to kinda play around with it to see what is the best tension for you. I used to tie mine really tight but I ended up with cuts on my fingers from the strings and when I tied too tight my bracelets would warp on the sides and I didn't get nice straight sides. I tried loosening how tight I tied the knots and found that when I pulled up on the string I would stop after I felt a little tension from the string and my bracelets got straighter and looked better.