Pattern #53706 Confusion
1 year, 2 months ago by megant1021
Hi! So I recently started working on this pattern and I’m running across two issues. It’s my first time adding straight edges to a pattern that isn’t an alpha and I can’t seem to figure out how to do this correctly. What I did was I added two more strings on the outside to knot onto in every row since I couldn’t just change the knots on the edge in the pattern. Is this correct or should I only be making my straight edge knots on the rows with the “elbows” sticking out? The straight edge does look straight but the issue I’m having is it’s adding extra knots into my pattern and I’m getting confused. For example, where the two candy stripes split in the middle, I have 6 knots on either “stripe” instead of 5. Does that seem right? My second issue is with the spot where the stripes split into two. The string that runs straight down the middle of the inside “gap” on the pattern, is this meant to be added into a two string “bundle” in the middle and knotted onto? (Think like shaped alpha technique for what I mean). Or am I making one single knot over every string like a plain candy stripe just without connecting the middle? (Think how Masha Knots did in the criss cross double chevron keyhole bracelet). Not sure how to add photos but if needed and you let me know how, I can! Thanks in advance!
1 year, 2 months ago by megant1021
I think I identified some of my issue with the second thing I mentioned. When I initially did the split, I used the wrong string to start knotting with on the right side. Instead of the second string of the knot of the row above, I used the string on the left.
1 year, 2 months ago by halokiwi
You only do the bf or fb knots at the edge where the "elbows" stick out. Since you added one more string on each side, of course the pattern is now a little wider and has more knots.

For this pattern I would have recommended not adding extra strings but just doing bf knots on the left edge or fb knots on the right edge when you have two strings of the same colour there. Per side there are only two instances where there are two different colours and there you have to make f knots
1 year, 2 months ago by halokiwi
I hope I did not confuse you more with my answer.

There is one question of yours that I forgot to answer. You are making one single knot over every string like a plain candy stripe just without connecting the middle. That's exactly how you should do it. There are no loose strings that you need to knot around.

If you want to, you can even add the straight edges technique to the inside edges. For that you don't need to add extra strings. You just do bf or fb knots. You can do that because the knots on the inside edges are always between two strings of the same colour.

It might not look as nice, but for learning the straight edges technique, I recommend using different colours for the added strings. This way you can recognise them more easily and don't confuse them with your regular strings.
1 year, 2 months ago by megant1021
Thanks so much, I got it now! I’m going to make multiple of this bracelet anyway so it’s not a big deal. I’ll fix the mistakes as I go. 😊