5 years ago by ffullen
I am just starting out and would like to know what size and type of string or cord do we use to make any type of bracelet all help appreciated.
Bracelet King
5 years ago by afc610
I use embroidery floss and the length really depends on the thickness of the bracelet. For a thicker one, you’ll want to use longer strings. For a thinner one you can use shorter strings👍🏼
Bracelet King
5 years ago by afc610
That’s for a normal pattern btw
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Someone_
The most popular thread people use to make friendship bracelets with is Embroidery Floss/Thread, which is basically six stranded cotton. Another popular choice is Pearle Cotton, which is like the Embroidery Floss but it's twisted so it makes it a little easier to handle; this comes in different sizes, size 5 is the same thickness as Embroidery Thread (or thereabouts).
Other choices include:
Craft Thread - Again, its twisted but unlike the previous two types I mentioned it's typically made out of synthetic fibres rather than cotton. It can also be cheaply made so it's prone to break easily.
Yarn - Which is much thicker, and it works reasonably well.
Crochet Thread - Which is good for saving money, as they last much longer. People tend to go for Size 5 in that.

I hope this helps somewhat.
And I would like to welcome you to the world of bracelet making! 😊❤️
5 years ago by emisstuff
I would recommend embroidery thread. You can get it fairly cheap off of amazon and it comes in every color you could think of.
5 years ago by BunBunKnot
For string, I usually make my strings a little shorter than my wingspan. But it always depends on the bracelet and how long it is. I hope this was helpful!
5 years ago by brr
For normal patterns the longer you cut the string the longer the bracelet can be. For alpha patterns the base strings are generally on the shorter side (although that depends on how long the pattern is), and the other strings tend to be much longer, for some of the alpha patterns I've done I've used whole things of string or even more than one.
5 years ago by CHMGURL
Definitely embroidery floss, like everyone else said
For alphas the base strings I like to wrap it around my wrist twice, and for the main background color I tend to use maybe a third of a skein at a time
For normal patterns it’s better to have too much than too little, as adding it in can be a pain. I do as much from one hand all the way stretch out my arms to the next hand, if I need to fold the strings over (for a teardrop loop or something). If I don’t have to fold it over then I hold my arms as if I was pulling back the string in a bow and arrow (one arm outstretched and the other bent at the elbow to my chest) and however long it is from one hand to the next
Hope that helps!
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Pawsknot
I have been making bracelets for almost a year and I use embroidery floss I've gotten it off of Amazon prime and and in-store I've used a mix of brands but my favorite two brands are j and p coats witch is hard to find but never separate at the ends when ever I see that brand I stock up mainly on black and white and my other favorite is dmc standard embroidery floss
5 years ago by Protec
Personally, I prefer embroidery thread. I order mine through Amazon. Crochet wool and craft cord is also really popular.

When you make bracelets, however, try to avoid mixing thread that is a different size as it may make the bracelet look uneven or warp.