Embroidery Floss or Craft Cord?
5 years ago by phatcat
I'm wondering if I should buy embroidery floss or craft cord since I'm running out of embroidery floss. I've heard that craft cord makes bracelets look better but I've only used embroidery floss. I'm also wondering how people have so many strings for their bases in alphas in singular colors ( having 11+ strings of the same colors ad base) without running out of colors. Hope you can help me!
Bracelet King
5 years ago by cconti526
For the floss vs. cord, I’m not sure, but for the base strings a lot of times people have more than one spool of a certain color and they use that for their base strings. What I typically do is I just use my leftover scraps from other bracelets or alternate colors so I’m not using too much of one color at a time. I hope you can find what you need, though. 😁
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Maybe_Yoyo
I depends on what your most comfortable with, I use both types and enjoy them. You should definitely try making a bracelet out of both of them and see which on is better. Hope this helped!
Bracelet King
5 years ago by BeadGirl16
@phatcat and @cconti526 the difference between craft cord and embroidery floss is that craft cord is twisted and embroidery floss is not. DMC has their version of craft cord called Pearl Cotton size 5 and it comes in bigger skeins. The thread is slightly thinner than embroidery floss, but I haven't found that to be a problem. Since the thread is twisted, you will notice in the ties the difference between the craft cord and embroidery floss if you mix it.

Whether or not craft cord makes your bracelets look better, I don't know since I use mostly embroidery floss. But, when I'm making alphas, I always make sure that I have multiple skeins of embroidery floss so that my ties can match the background. Sometimes I'll use the Pearl Cotton instead for the ties and background since the skeins are about 3x larger than the regular 8.7yd (8m) skeins.
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Carli22
@phatcat I normally use craft cord and embroidery floss I mainly use craft cord because it is twists and doesn’t Frey as easily
5 years ago by cgrace270
I think it’s just a personal preference. It couldn’t hurt to try both and see which on you prefer!! As for the color bases, I just buy multiple skeins of the same color to ensure they’re all the same🙂
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Cirivere
maybe buy two colours first and make a simple pattern like for example the candy cane pattern first to see if you like it?
5 years ago by Margaron
It’s definitely a personal preference and so far as aesthetics go it comes down to what you work with and practice with more. Some people find embroidery floss a little more difficult to get even knots with because it’s made up of multiple strands which gives more room for ‘movement’ in the individual threads. I always found the craft cord snapped easier but have recently gave it another try and haven’t experienced any snapping yet. I personally like the look of embroidery floss more in the finished product I think but I still want to play with it some more. I would try both at some point and see what works best for you!
5 years ago by javret
For me, it depends on the project.

I've found that craft cord is grippier. I like it especially for chevrons just because you need that super tight FB (or BF? it's been awhile) between the two stripes going down. It also works great as the base for alphas.

I like regular embroidery floss for the tops of alphas. The slickness helps you to move knots easily where you need them. I like to use it when a color is isolated away from the same color that way you can pull the knot a bit to really see it.
5 years ago by Calicolina
Having used both, Anchor and DMC pearl cotton as well as embroidery floss, I prefer the floss, because of the softer structure. I think it makes the bracelet look smoother and more even, but that is just my personal opinion. Sometimes I just mix both and so far, that has worked out fine as well.
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Audrey07
I personally use embroidery floss but both work great
5 years ago by cash1615
i use craft cord because it doesnt come apart as easily
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Conrnelia
It depends on you and what you like more while tying knots what I recommend is the sting out embroidery floss craft cord and crochet thread and use what you feel is the best lookwise moneywise and most importantly how it feels while tying knots
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by unicorns14
Craft cord is a little bit easier to work because it does not fray as much as embroidery floss. But I use embroidery floss because there is a bigger variety of colors.
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by uwucorgi
Its all up to personal preference!!