help with messing up patterns
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by 95033094
I started a pattern a little while ago and then decided to try to segment knot it half way through. The strings are all messed up now and out of place and I’m not sure how to get it back to normal. In not sure if it is because I started segment knotting but I do not know what to do. If any one has any tips or can help that would be awesome!
5 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
You could try to carefully open all the knots you did wrong and do them again.

Another suggestion I have is to check if you really made mistakes. You're not working in rows anymore so it's a bit more confusing sometimes.
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by queeenB_Xx
Same thing happened to me! I was making the stripy candy cane bracelet and ended up doing to many rows so on the finished bracelet there’s a missing row 😬 what I do is choose a row to get to and keep making knots until the thread is in the correct place for the chosen row. It looks a little weird and the knots are a bit all over the place but it works🥰 I can’t really find another way to fix this 😔