beginner patterns
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by hannah_0
For any beginners, I’m been making a lot of 8 string patterns lately. I don’t recommend any of these as ur first bracelet, but definitely great if u are starting out. Also going to be making bigger patterns soon
5 years, 1 month ago by halokiwi
I think #2 (chevron) is perfect to start because it's simple and you practice both b and f knots. I don't really think it matters how many strings you use for this pattern. (8 strings but can be done with more or less strings)

#1 (candy stripe) is also really good. It has only one type of knot. (8 strings but can be done with more or less strings)

#150 (heart) is super cute and it also only has f and b knots. (8 strings)

#273 braid, only f and b knots, 6 strings

#7 zigzag, has all kinds of knots but mainly f and b, 6 strings

#26267 x and o, b and f knots, 6 strings

These are patterns that are all good for beginners I think