segment knotting or row by row ??
1 year, 9 months ago by ttpwknoela
i’m kinda new to patterns, how do i tell if the pattern uses segment knotting or row by row ?????
1 year, 9 months ago by Tikilishi
You can use row-by-row for any normal pattern 🙂 It means tying knots the way you would read words in a storybook, starting from the first row and the first knot, working your way from left to right until the row is complete, then moving on to the second row and repeating this until you're finished with your item🙂Segment-tying can be done on many normals, and can save you a lot of time 🙂 but it's a bit less intuitive than row-by-row until you get used to it 🙂 It involves segmenting groups of knots off in triangles and inverted triangles. Patterns that cannot really be segment tied are 1212 patterns. You can tell if a pattern is a 1212 pattern if the knot instructions look like rows of little zigzags, or if there's mostly or all fb and bf knots in it, for example, like pattern #27538 #37127 are 1212 patterns that can't really be segment tied. In the FAQ, I might've explained it a bit better: "What does, "segment knotting" and, "knotting row-by-row" mean? "Segment tying and tying row-by-row are two different bracelet tying techniques used to make bracelets. To tie row-by-row means to quite literally start from the very first knot of the first row, and work your way left-to-right, one knot at a time, in order, like the way you read words in a book. Segment tying involves tying knots diagonally (northeast to southwest, and northwest to southeast) in groups of the same colors. For example, to tie pattern #2, you might want to segment knot by tying diagonally in order of each color in a "V" shape. To better understand segment tying, look up, 'how to segment knot' on YouTube. Row-by-row is recommended for beginners because it's easier to understand, while segment tying is faster, but is a bit less intuitive and requires a little bit more experience." |