Alpha bracelet length
1 year, 10 months ago by elimotori
Hey, I'm making a alpha one and I did about 3.5 centimetre. How much should I continue to, that it would look like a normal one?
The bracelet I'm Brading is #145005
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Pippa
What do you mean by a normal one?
1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
I'm assuming that you want to make a bracelet, that you can wear and that reaches around your wrist, right? Just continue until it reaches around your wrist. I don't know the circumference of your wrist 🙂
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by IndyHaine
If you're asking what length you need to have it be a functional bracelet, then that depends.
My sweet spot is around 70 knots long, but I'm an adult with kinda thin wrists and I make my knots very tight.
So depending on your thread, your knot tightness, and your wrist circumference, it will vary.
All you can do is measure out what you've got so far, count the knots (length wise), and use the mathematical rule of three to figure out how to get to your needed length.
Keep in mind that ties will also take 1cm or so to knot, so err a bit on the shorter side.
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Rowsitt
mine is roughly 70 knots but i believe it’s about 80 without any sort of starting loop or triangle ends. i find that adding a loop with two triangle ends can tend to make the bracelet longer than i expect, esp when there’s a lot of strings
1 year, 10 months ago by melinanat2
Can someone tell me the average lenght I could do the base string for a pattern like this one #90373
1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
@melinanat2 that depends on the material you are using and how tight you knot.
It also depends on, if you are knotting just the pattern or if you add or remove rows to make it fit as a bracelet.

In an alpha, the base strings need to be the length of the knotted part plus some extra for ties (and loop, if you make one).
If you want it to be the length of a bracelet, take the circumference of your wrist and add some extra for ties (and loop, if you make one).
If you want just the pattern, if you have knotted an alpha before, you can measure how long a certain amount of rows is to calculate how long 71 rows would be.