How to choose keywords .
2 years ago by Miacatbb
How do you choose keyword well?
2 years ago by Odanak1811
Here is a tutorial made by KrazyKnotz to help with choosing keywords :
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
For normal patterns, I find it extremely tricky. By now I think I have a different definition of what symmetrical or colourblocking for example is, and I don't know at which point I could call a pattern "aztec" or "greek" or anything like that if it's not been heavily inspired by something aztec or greek from the start, so I just try to avoid those.Maybe just try to "unfocus" your eyes when you look at the pattern and try to identify simple shapes: Are there zigzags on your pattern? If so, tag "zigzag". Could the zigzag also be waves, since it's all pixelated and sometimes there is no way to tell if it's meant to be rounded or sharp-edged. If so, you can also try "wave" and "waves". Do you have triangles? Squares? Diamonds (just squares that are rotated by 45 degrees)? Then, you can also tag it the singular and plural of a word - because I wouldn't know if people search for "diamond" or "diamonds" if they want to find a pattern with diamond-shapes. Especially with alpha patterns, I do this a lot, just because when I was on instagram, I saw a lot of people tagging their stuff like "corgis corgi dogs dog animal animals" - always plural and singular. And that also ties into my last tip: is there a more specific or a more unspecific word for a word you already entered as a keyword? For example, if it's a dog, then it's also an animal. And if it's a dog, it might also be a specific breed of dog, and that you can also use as a keyword. But I feel like my keywords aren't the best, so take all my advice with a grain of salt! |
1 year, 12 months ago by Miacatbb
Thanks so much! 😄