alpha shaped starts aren’t even
2 years ago by holly220
I find i have this problem more with bigger projects but my shaped starts always have a tendency to almost sag in the middle? like the knots along the edges are pulled up higher and take up less vertical space? i think this is just a natural consequence of there being more space for the knots on the sides to cover, because they’re kind of diagonal instead of straight, but is there anything i can do about it? also do you guys continue your pattern into your shaped starts/ends? i find it can look jarring when it suddenly cuts off into a solid block of color but i don’t know what to do about it
Bracelet King
2 years ago by pelulu
I think this just happens because the knots in the middle are using the same strings to knot on whereas the ones on the side are being introduced and tend to not be on the same string so the knots don't stack nicely on each other. For this what I usually do is once I'm done with the start I will try to re-adjust the knots so that they are in a straight line. Sometimes a bit of the base string will peak out when readjusting however it shouldn't be too noticeable.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by pelulu
As for the last part personally when I do the shaped starts I tend to do them with the same background color as the pattern mainly uses instead of different ones just because of personal preference.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by grod
keep your tension on your knots even and don't tighten your knots to much, cause super tight knots cause those ditches as well as uneven knots
Bracelet King
2 years ago by Rowsitt
i believe it’s also bc the edge knots don’t have both strings on the side to help it stay straight. so if you knot tighter, it ends up scooping up more