How to keep knots straight
2 years ago by charli3B
My knots seem to look slightly diagonal with each row,
Is this normal for an alpha pattern? 🤔
and if not how do i fix it? Any advice most appreciated 🙂
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
That also happens to me all the time! It's because we knot tighter on one side than the other (maybe because of color changes, maybe just by mistake).
I usually try to pull out the tighter side, so it's less diagonal. Then to straighten it, you can push on the whole row with something flat that doesn't bend. I use the backside of my sewing scissors.
And lastly, if it's so bad that that didn't help, then I'll just try to adjust the next couple of rows by making looser knots on the tighter side and tighter knots on the looser side. But you have to make these knots gradually tighter/narrower, otherwise it looks weird. And try to keep the last knot on the edge tight, just so the edges of the piece don't become wonky.

I hope that was somewhat understandable. I'm always better at showing things than I am at explaining them 🙈
Bracelet King
2 years ago by Callie_BOB
Knotting a little bit looser helps to keep knots straighter too! If you are pulling knots super tightly they tend to not be as uniform, but if they are a little bit looser they are easier to manipulate and tend to come out more uniform. Of course it comes down to personal knotting preferences too; if you like to have tighter knots then it takes a little bit of trial and error to see how tight to pull (like @IndyHaine said).