making the pattern and selling online , copyright
2 years ago by yellowdand
Hello lovely people in community , I considered myself as a beginner to both of this website and with friendship bracelet. *ps. I'm not planning on selling it. Before I've came here , I've seen a lot lot of people online are doing+selling the bracelets from the pattern that people in this community create them (But not the creators themself). So I've been wondering about this for a while and decided to just ask everybody here. I read those FAQ and guideline but didn't find (If there has some forum about this already , pls tell me. So, I would check it out) Anyway, my question are - "Can you make a bracelet from patterns in this websites and sell it ?" -If it's a no , what about people who are selling bracelet on any platforms? "Is this concidered as stealing and copyrights stuff? - If it's a yes somehow , before somebody making and selling it , Do they need to ask permissions from those creartors who creat the pattern first? Thank you in advance ❤️ |
2 years ago by halokiwi
It is allowed to sell bracelets made from patterns you find on braceletbook, but it is still nice to ask the creator of the pattern first, since the copyright does belong to the creator of the pattern. Some don't want bracelets made from their pattern to be sold, but most are alright with it and even happy about it.
2 years ago by yellowdand
Thanks for the helpful advice! , i appreciate it so much. Have a good day! 🎉
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
@halokiwi doesn't that mean not asking violates the copyright?
2 years ago by halokiwi
@IndyHaine it's just nice to ask 🙂The owner of the pattern has the copyright of the pattern, but by putting the pattern on the page, you agree for people to use this pattern. People can't sell the pattern itself without permission. (Some people have also tried to do that.) Selling items made from patterns is allowed. Some users just don't want items made from their patterns to be sold, so it's nice to ask and respect their wishes. |
Bracelet King
2 years ago by IndyHaine
@halokiwi Aaaah I see now! Thank you for clearing that up! 🙂