Why is my alpha longer than it is wide?
2 years, 3 months ago by RubyClaire
I have a 32 by 32 pattern, #120224, and its not going to be square when i finish. How do I fix that?
Bracelet King
2 years, 3 months ago by Night_Owl
In alphas the way the knots are shaped is slightly elongated so patterns wilth perfectly square dimensions will usually end up being a bit longer than wide. Loosening your knot tension can help create rounder knots but i wouldn't recommend changing your tension if you have already started the alpha
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by IndyHaine
I don't know if this is a big no-no in the bracelet community, but I noticed having the same problem and it looking especially weird on circles like you have, and I just skip a row or two to fix it. Usually works well for me.In the pattern you linked, I'd say row 16 might be one you can skip without it being too noticable. |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by sodapop
After you finish each row, use a straight edge to push upward and keep the rows closer together and straight. Even in a partially completed pattern, you can probably get your thumbnail in between the knots, start at the top and work your way across, scrunching them upward, one row at a time, while firmly pulling downward on the base strings. Maybe try to wedge in a credit card to straighten the rows as well. I've been able to "shorten" and straighten in-progress alphas this way. Next time, you could try using double base strings, or I prefer thicker #3 crochet thread for base strings... it helps widen the pattern and it's very nice to knot onto. And keep pushing the finished rows upward. 😊 |
2 years, 2 months ago by RubyClaire
Okay thanks everyone! I will definitely try that.