somebody made a challenge on my account and now people are mad at me for it
2 years, 3 months ago by _vivi_f
someone made a challenge on my account and im trying to take it down and it said really mean stuff on there and idk what happened and it got a mod report and i dont want to get banned for something i did not do
2 years, 3 months ago by Tikilishi
Don't worry, users don't get banned without warnings first. 🙂
We don't like to ban users, but sometimes it happens unfortunately.

The only time I can think of that we automatically ban someone is if they break the law, but that rarely happens, and kids rarely break any laws so you don't have to worry about that 🙂

This goes for anyone, but definitely don't worry about being banned 🙂 unless an incident has happened repeatedly with repeated warnings, you likely won't be banned for anything 🙂
And if you ever have a question about any of the rules, you can always ask any of us 🙂
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by IndyHaine
I have no idea what exactly happened, but as someone who sometimes freelances as IT support, I feel obliged to say: Please change your password and if you use the old password for other accounts that are registered with the same email address, change it there, too!

I don't think someone would pull your password from a data leak and then wreak havoc on this site of all places, but it can never hurt to change it. There's always a chance that someone you know guessed your password and wants to mess with you a bit.