tips for alphas??
2 years, 4 months ago by twizzlerz
I know that I’ve already left a post on the forum (which I don’t know how to delete😭) but I feel like asking for tips on better knots and such would be a better idea. Pleaseeeee leave any tips for alphas!!!😭😭
2 years, 4 months ago by drenenned
Take it slow, make sure you like the knot you did before moving onto the next, it’s a lot harder to fix a mistake after you do a couple more knots. I really recommend using the straight edge technique, Masha Knots ha a great video on that. But other than that just make sure your knots are all pretty much the same tightness.
2 years, 4 months ago by Maplelog90
Something that helps my knots look a lot nicer is making sure I’m making loose knots! It’s a lot easier to fix mistakes and move stuff around that way, plus I just find it generally looks better.
Bracelet King
2 years, 4 months ago by mrs_jordan
I found Masha Knots video on alphas very helpful!
2 years, 4 months ago by hilsa
It's just a little thing, but I like to add tape very regularly to my alphas while I'm making them (every few rows or so). It means the alpha is nice and secured, making it a lot easier to tie neater knots. I also use a plastic card (bank/library/ID/rewards card, anything works!) after each row to push all the knots around so the rows are even & not too wonky.
2 years, 4 months ago by lacrosse6
Try to make the knots tight and the same size