Question about a trick i saw about a year ago and forgot how to do it again
2 years, 5 months ago by Badger696
Hi, so i havent done a bracelet in a little over a year now, and i remember last time i did one, i saw this trick that helped make my bracelet thicker and straighter, but cant remember how to do it exactly.

I don't remember if you had to use twice the amount of string, basically instead of making a knot with 1 string you made knots with 2 of the same color. Or if you just made 2 knots with 1 string, basically doubling the amount of knots.

Do any of you use this? or do any of you know the video i saw about this?
Bracelet King
2 years, 5 months ago by onarts_
if you are talking about alphas, you probably mean using double base strings. In this case you would make the knots into 2 base strings at the same time instead of only one. If a patern had 10 base strings you would use 20 but with the same knot structure. If you mean for normals, I guess it makes more sense to use two strings instead of one because making two knots would make the bracelet look weird.
2 years, 5 months ago by Badger696
yeah thank you, i wasnt talking about alpha bracelets, and i think you might be right, i think it was twice the string