Advice needed for the start of my bracelets
2 years, 7 months ago by Mist3031
Hey everyone! 🙂 So I'm discovering this whole alpha bracelet thing and I currently seem to bump upon a question/problem that I haven't seen being addressed wherever I looked. (Although I have to admit that I wouldn't even know how to call it to begin with 🙈)I've discovered that I like bracelets having triangle shaped ends the most. As I learned it, the loop is made out of base strings. But that means that, when I'm done with the loop and start on the triangle shape, I always seem to have a little piece of threat poking out because I can't seem to hide it until now. I know that when you're at the sides, you shouldn't carry along your threat to avoid endings poking out but my question is the following: What can you do to ensure that the start of your bracelet is as clean as possible? With that I mean, no threat poking out anywhere that can be visible whenever one wears it... I already figured out I could just tie the leading string in the ends of the bracelet, so it is really the start I'm still struggling with since I'd honestly prefer the loop to have the exact same colour as the endings and thus for them to both exist out of base strings. Any ideas? Thank you in advance! 😄 |
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by Lulu_Ninja
Hey! If I understand correctly, when I make the start of an alpha out of the base strings (instead of a triangle start/loop using the leading thread) the first knot I make with the leading thread I make as a backward/forward knot leaving the tail longer than usual (when starting on the left side) and then for the next couple of rows I knot over both the second base string and the tail (as if they were one string). This way you can stop knotting over the tail and base string a couple of rows down and when you drop it, it won't be near the edge but instead more toward the center.The second method you can do would be to, once again, start with a backward forward knot (so that the tail is facing inwards not outwards), and then you can use the flat alpha technique to carry the tail over so that it is between the 2nd and 3rd base strings. This way it will be toward the middle not towards the outside. You can to it for the next couple of knots so that the tail is moved toward the middle and won't peak out. I hope this made sense, I've never tried explaining it before |
2 years, 7 months ago by Mist3031
@Lulu_Ninja Checking to see if I read it correctly 😉 So the tail that I usually just tape down would then be carried in the work and in theory could even make a little loop-like structure because it goes back into the direction the leading string is going into? Shame I hadn't thought of that before! I'll certainly try that one out with the next bracelet I start! Thank you for the advice! 😄 |
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by Lulu_Ninja
Yep, exactly! I typically just carry it over a few strings (or knots in the case of the loop), then I cut it short and it should just get hidden as you continue to knot