triangle ends odd number of strings
2 years, 7 months ago by itz_kayra
i was wondering if there is a way to do triangle ends with an odd number of strings. i want to make pattern #5608 but i’m not sure how to start it. i don’t think i am able to do a teardrop loop for this pattern (let me know if i’m wrong) so i’m brainstorming of ways that i can start it that’s not just a basic knot. can i make triangle ends for this pattern?
2 years, 7 months ago by halokiwi
You can do a triangle start or you can do a teardrop loop. That's completely up to you. Both work just fine.

For the loop you can follow MashaKnots video on making loops with odd numbers of strings.

For the v part or the triangle part, you just do it slightly off-center so you have 6 strings on one side and 5 strings on the other side. Everything else works just like usual.