Calling all bracelet-making experts: Any key tips that helped you get better at knotting/bracelets? page 2
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by 2006_Mandy
I have been making bracelets for over two years so heres my advice: keep a safety pin at hand for unkotting knots when you need to correct mistakes, always double count strings in order to not mess up, split strings when mixing the different thicknesses (so if you use different brands make sure the knots will have similar sizes), don't use straight edges on all patterns some work better than others, practice your knots, the flat alpha technique isn't always the best.
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by TaM03
I have been making bracelets for roughly 8 years and I think practice is the best thing and lots and lots of chevrons candy stripes are fun but twist a lot but the chevron really helps with the basic knots I hope that helps 🙂