Are all patterns free to use?
2 years, 9 months ago by Still_Sam
I feel like I was scrolling through the forum a while ago and saw someone asking if it was legal to sell bracelets and such made from patterns submitted onto BB, to which someone responded and said all the patterns uploaded here are free to use and so it's totally fine. Is this true? I just went through the FAQ, TOU, and Guidelines, but I don't think I saw anything about it. Could someone point me in the right direction here? I'm thinking about starting a shop and would hate to accidentally be stealing someone's pattern if this isn't allowed.
2 years, 9 months ago by halokiwi
Yes, it is allowed, but I would recommend always asking the person who posted the pattern anyways because it's just a nice thing to do and personally I'm always happy about knowing that someone appreciates my pattern so much that they want to sell bracelets made from it 💚
Bracelet King
2 years, 9 months ago by Camo
I think the only thing you are not allowed to sell (but don't quote me on it cuz I'm not 100% positive) is name brand things. Like I made a FOX bracelet which I don't think I would be allowed to sell just because it had a copyright or something.... but let me know if i'm wrong 🙈