Can someone explain segment knotting?
5 years, 2 months ago by urtypicalt
Also I have seen people use an example as a chevron but then i get more confused lol
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by vennix
Segment knitting is where instead of knotting row by row you knot in segments which is mostly finding how many knots you can make with one string before doing another. This is where the chevron or candy stripe is an example because you use one color and make knots until you reach the middle and then you start on the next string. There are also several you tube videos that show how to segment knot that you could watch.
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by PuPotato
@urtypicalt It’s pretty much where you can tie a whole row or “segment” of knots with the same string, rather than having to go row by row, one knot at a time. For example, with the chevron pattern you can do a whole line of knots with the same color before moving onto the next color. It might help you to watch a video if you’re still confused 🙂
Super Moderator
5 years, 2 months ago by KrazyKnotz
Here is a photo tutorial for segment knots for a basic v pattern: Here is are some video tutorials for a little more complicated patterns: (Masha Knots) (Masha Knots) (Alex's Innovations) |