help me my back hurts a LOT
3 years ago by matijazz
So recently I started this really nice alpha but is really detailed and I'm going to work on it for a couple weeks probably...and after cca 4h of knotting I fell like 80 year old 🥲 so do you have any suggestions how to sit properly or any exercises to do before or after knotting/knitting...and so on...every tip will be helpful 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Poppy-seed
I sit on a couch with my knees up and lean my clipboard on my knees, but I scoot back all the way against the couch so my back is supported. Idk if that made any sense, but that’s what I do. I don’t like doing that with alphas though, for that I prefer a table. And when I sit at a table I still make sure I’m scooting all the way against the back of the chair. Hope that’s helpful and not totally confusing! 😂🙈
3 years ago by matijazz
I understand haha 🙈 thank you so much, hope it helps.
Bracelet King
2 years, 12 months ago by ella_yee
yeah so when I do alphas I have this like mini table that I put on my bed and I knot on my bed with it. I just sit against all the pillows. Sometimes my back still hurts though I do suggest taking breaks. I know you may not want to take breaks and just knot away but when I take breaks I feel like I knot faster after the break. I hope this helped!! 💕
Bracelet King
2 years, 12 months ago by SmileSnake
Do you have any suggestions if your neck hurts? My back doesn’t usually hurt, but my neck hurts A LOT after a long time of knotting…
Bracelet King
2 years, 12 months ago by stanbillie
@SmileSnake I prop my neck up with pillows, and have the clipboard with the bracelet attached to it at eye level. I can do this by kind of making like a wall with pillows, and putting the clipboard on top of that. sorry if that was confusing.
2 years, 11 months ago by mmoogz
I use a triangle pillow that is normally used for like ipads or phones to be propped up, I sit all the way back in the couch and then putting my clip board on the triangle pillow! Highly recommend getting one!
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by ArtsyAnna
I would suggest occasional stops that you could readjust your back and stretch it a little bit. My back normally hurts when I knot long times without stopping or readjusting. I would also suggest “rolling” your neck occasionally so it doesn’t stay in one place and hurt to move it. Hope this helps!
2 years, 11 months ago by CharPyatt
I sit at a desk and I switch between an office chair and a saddle stool. I have TERRIBLE posture made worse by the need for a breast reduction. I have to make a conscious effort to sit up straight, trying to stretch my head towards the ceiling, shoulder rolled back and down, and stay in that posture for at least 3 minutes. It’s not a lot but I helps. I also take breaks when I get really sore and I lay flat on the floor with my hands stretched above my head. I’ll lay there for about 5 minutes. If it’s really bad I have the Chirp Wheels/yoga wheels! I have medical conditions that cause chronic pain and these are PHENOMENAL!

When I have projects that require me to look closely I use a magnifying lamp or lighted magnifying glasses. (Look for ones designed for estheticians or lash techs, they are usually cheaper than those targeted towards crafters) These help ensure I’m not hunched over to get a closer look at what I’m doing.