sparkly and multicolored thread
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by danielle_3
i have been wanting to use sparkly thread for a long time and have tried the regular dmc kind before but it separates a lot and was a pain to work with so i didn't love that. i wanted to get alize forever yarn because i know a lot of people like that but it's very expensive to ship to america so i don't want to spend a ton of money on it. basically my question is does anyone have any good alternatives to alize yarn or another good kind of thread that is sparkly. i've also heard of dmc etoile so please let me know if thats any good if you have tried other question is very simple but i just got multicolored thread so if anyone has good patterns to use that in please link them below! thanks in advance to anyone who answers |
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by mintycorgi
Hello there! I use DMC etoile and, while it does seperate, most sparkly strings seperate and it can be (kind of) fixed by tying a knot at the end of the string. As for patterns that use multicolored thread, I would recommend patterns that have an outline over a solid color, such as #39181 , where you could use multicolor string in place of the light blue, or pattern #35602 , where you could replace the dark green and/or light green with multicolored thread. You could also use multicolored thread in the backgrounds of alphas. Hope this helps! |
3 years, 1 month ago by lucass
i’ve heard that u can buy a filament of sparkly thread, it’s like the size of one thread of a embroider floss. like yk how it’s six strands, one strand is the size of the filament, and then u like spin the filament thru the embroidery floss. i think it was clairehair that had the tutorial on insta
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by danielle_3
@mintycorgi thanks for the help i will try out the thread
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by danielle_3
@lucass thanks for your help i hadn't heaard of that but i will look into it
3 years, 1 month ago by LuluXOXOXO
@danielle_3 I think they sell bundles of multi-colored string on Amazon. It's also pretty cheap, only like 12 dollars for a bundle of 36 different skeins of thread. You can also go on Michaels for multi-colored thread as well.
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by danielle_3
@LuluXOXOXO i will look for that next time i'm at micheals thanks for your help