Finishing Alpha Backs
3 years, 1 month ago by Still_Sam
I was wondering how people typically finish the backs of their alpha patterns? I'm not talking about any of the techniques, I just mean in general- like... How do I trim down the front strings? I've been cutting them shorter and then tying them to each other along the back so that the strings don't show in the front but I think that's probably not right lol. Am I supposed to cut them super short or something? I'm anxious if I cut them super short the pattern will unravel, so I haven't checked if that's okay yet. I hope this makes sense- thanks!
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by 2006_Mandy
I have cut the strings right off of the back of all of my alphas and never ever had a problem. If you do worry you could use fabric glue or clear nail polish to seal the back after you cut off excess strings. Otherwise using the clean alpha back will get rid of the short stubs from strings altogether preventing them from unraveling or adding felt can make a cleaner back.
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by happyrobin
Hi, when I make alphas I just leave the backs looking messy, but cut the strings sticking out super short. I also try to not add new strings right on the edges of my alphas so that I can't see them when I look at the front. I hope that this helps!
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by stilesS58
i use felt and glue it on the back so it is soft and makes the back look nice 😊